In my professional life, I encountered a wide variety of projects :
ranging from database and graphical user interface to the development of compilers.
in environments going from hospitals or institutions to manufacturing industries.
in very different environments (in terms of programming languages, databases and operating systems),
in different positions such as software engineer, system engineer or project manager.
leading and/or coaching new team members, some without development skills, leading all of them to work independently.
This means that I'm quite flexible.

2021 - present • ArnoHR
In a environment using Jira, Confluence & TFS, I am performing maintenance and new developments of a MFC/C++ GUI front-end. I am also working on a new module translating an in-house interpreted query language queries to SQL where clauses, performing expansion of function with parameters etc.

2016 - 2020 • OptimoDE
In an environment using Perforce, Swarm, CMake etc..., I perfomed tasks to fix bugs, added functionalities and optimized the code generated by the OptimoDE compiler, in the areas of memory mapping, syntax flow graph transformations, optimizations, etc.

2013 - 2016 • Web Information System for Healthcare - IBM
I performed maintenance and customer support of the back-end (in RPG) of a web application, as well as development of new modules. (link)

2004 - 2013 • AIX Servers management + Developments - IBM
For several customer, I performed the maintenance of their server. I also developed, in the framework of existing internal manual tools, the automation of daily checks to ensure that the servers are kept up-to-date, keeping track of what was performed during which intervention. Consultations of data was performed on intranet web sites in php I developed. This saved our life several times during audits. I also developed for the team a tool allowing distributed execution of commands on a variety of heterogeneous devices.

2002 - 2003 • Product Lifecycle Management (mostly in the aerospace industry) - IBM
Among other projects, the main one was about development of a tool enforcing security in the enginering process of avionic parts, both to avoid human errors and to ensure that people follow duly these processes.

2001 - 2002 • Settlement of foreign currency exchanges between banks worldwide - IBM
Beside the maintenance and support of some modules, my main contribution was to convince the management to develop a set of tools to perform smoothly the required source code clean up. This was a highly critical task (the application server processes up to 3 millions transactions for more than 5 trillions dollars daily). Result: 0% defect. Later, in the project office, I was in charge of pushing urgent tasks to respect the commitments about the content of the releases. (link)

2001 - 2002 • Website for a public institution - IBM
As Project Manager, I managed a team of about 15 people during one year for this 2 M€ project.

1997 - 2000 • Tarification and billing server for Belgian hospitals - IBM
Maintenance and clean up of this application. My pride in this project is that I convinced the management to develop a compiler to migrate the application to another environment. Indeed, they intended to rewrite it from scratch, which would have meant about 20 man-years for development, tests etc... My approach was to translate the source code to another programming language supporting the new environment. It took one man-year as expected, saving much time and money. It was a complete success.

1996 - 1997 • CT Scanner core software - Elscint
Maintenance and clean up of a home made 4th generation language engine. Related support of the other developers. I also supported them for C++ related issues, for the SeleCT (link).

1996 • White Pages - Highway Productions
Development of the first ever Macintosh White Pages CD-ROM for Belgacom, using C/C++, Powerplant and all the libraries used on the TOP 30000 project below (the good conception of the libraries made them highly reusable : almost 100% of the source code was common to the previous project)

1995 - 1996 • TOP 30000 - Highway Productions
Development of the first ever Macintosh TOP-30000 CD-ROM for Roularta, using C/C++, Powerplant, with a special focus on reusability of the source code (both cross-platform Mac/Win CD-ROM optimized DB, and Mac GUI libraries).

1994 - 1995 • Agence France Presse - RTL Informatique
Prior to the widespread use of internet, the AFP needed a private network among their worldwide offices in Paris, NewYork and Hong Kong. My role in this project was the development of an indexed image database and a search engine using Fulcrum on Unix.

1994 - 1995 • Hippodrome de Vincennes - RTL Informatique
Using a network a Macintosh computers, the developed software managed the live boadcasting of overlaid informations on television channels of France Television (France 2 and France 3), on an on-site giant screen, and on an internal network of televisions in the hippodrome.